Anunciadas as listas com as ocupações profissionais em demanda, válidas para o período de 2017-2018.
A Austrália possui um programa de imigração para profissionais qualificados e todos os anos, no dia 30 de junho, o Departamento de Imigração e Proteção de Fronteiras (DIBP) divulga a lista de ocupações profissionais em demanda no país – a famosa Skilled Occupations List (SOL). Este ano a imigração anunciou duas listas:
A chamada Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills List (MLTSSL) ou Lista de Habilidades Estratégicas de Médio e Longo Prazo se aplica aos vistos:
- Subclass 189 (Skilled Independent Visa)
- Subclass 489 (Skilled Regional Provisional Visa) que não sejam nomeados por uma agência governamental de um estado ou território)
- Subclass 485 (Graduate Temporary Visa).
Já a Short‑term Skilled Occupation List (STSOL) ou Lista de Ocupação Qualificada de Curto Prazo (STSOL) se aplica aos vistos:
- Subclass 190 (Visto de Nominação Qualificada)
- Subclass 489 (Visto Técnico-Regional (Provisório)
As listas entraram em vigor a partir do dia 1o de julho de 2017.
O governo atual, do Primeiro Ministro Malcolm Turnbull, anunciou em abril de 2017 algumas reformas ao programa de migração qualificada. Uma delas diz respeito à frequência com que as listas de profissões passarão a ser revisadas – agora serão atualizadas a cada 6 meses “para garantir os melhores resultados aos trabalhadores e empregadores australianos”. Já segundo o Ministro da Imigração, Peter Dutton, “as listas são atualizadas constantemente para refletir as verdadeiras necessidades no mercado de trabalho com relação às habilidades e profissionais em demanda”.
Peter Dutton também disse: “As listas de ocupação são projetadas para serem dinâmicas. As revisões são apenas um elemento das reformas do governo, que visam fortalecer a integridade dos programas de imigração qualificada”.
Outras mudanças:
- Estas 12 ocupações foram removidas de todas as listas:
- Equipment Hire Manager
- Fleet Manager
- Picture Framer
- Property Manager
- Psychotherapist
- Real Estate Agent Principal
- Real Estate Agent
- Real Estate Agent Representative
- Ship’s Engineer
- Ship’s Master
- Ship’s Officer
- University Tutor
2. Duas novas ocupações foram incluídas na lista MLTSSL
- Special Education Teachers (nec)
- ICT Security Specialist
3. Todos os requerentes ao visto de residência permanente deverão obrigatoriamente submeter-se à verificação de antecedentes criminais como parte de sua aplicação.
4. Todos os vistos terão testes de língua inglesa mais rigorosos.
5. A idade máxima do aplicante principal foi reduzida para 45 anos nos seguintes vistos:
- Subclass 189
- Subclass 190
- Subclass 489
- Subclass 186
- Subclass 187
Para mais informações, minha sugestão é acessar o site do Departamento de Imigração – que é ultra completo. Com um pouco de paciência e vontade de ir atrás das informações dá para descobrir muitas coisas.
Para ajudar um pouco neste processo eu já pesquisei onde você pode encontrar todos os tipos de visto permanente disponíveis.
Há também um teste online que ajuda a identificar o tipo de visto ideal para o seu caso.
Outra sugestão é procurar uma empresa de imigração ou um agente registrado para obter informações específicas ao seu caso. Muitas vezes eles são capazes de sugerir caminhos alternativos ou planos de ação para se obter o visto de residência permanente.
Bom, então vamos às listas:
Medium and Long‑term Strategic Skills List
Occupation | Column 2
ANZSCO code |
Column 3
Assessing authority |
Column 4
Specified for only certain classes (see subsection (2)) |
1 | construction project manager | 133111 | VETASSESS | |
2 | project builder | 133112 | VETASSESS | Y |
3 | engineering manager | 133211 | (a) Engineers Australia; or (b) AIM | |
4 | child care centre manager | 134111 | TRA | |
5 | medical administrator | 134211 | VETASSESS | Y |
6 | nursing clinical director | 134212 | ANMAC | |
7 | primary health organisation manager | 134213 | VETASSESS | |
8 | welfare centre manager | 134214 | ACWA | |
9 | accountant (general) | 221111 | (a) CPAA; or (b) ICAA; or (c) IPA | |
10 | management accountant | 221112 | (a) CPAA; or (b) IPA; or (c) CAANZ | |
11 | taxation accountant | 221113 | (a) CPAA; or (b) IPA; or (c) CAANZ | |
12 | external auditor | 221213 | (a) CPAA; or (b) IPA; or (c) CAANZ | |
13 | internal auditor | 221214 | VETASSESS | |
14 | actuary | 224111 | VETASSESS | |
15 | land economist | 224511 | VETASSESS | |
16 | valuer | 224512 | VETASSESS | |
17 | architect | 232111 | AACA | |
18 | landscape architect | 232112 | VETASSESS | |
19 | surveyor | 232212 | SSSI | |
20 | cartographer | 232213 | VETASSESS | |
21 | other spatial scientist | 232214 | VETASSESS | |
22 | chemical engineer | 233111 | Engineers Australia | |
23 | materials engineer | 233112 | Engineers Australia | |
24 | civil engineer | 233211 | Engineers Australia | |
25 | geotechnical engineer | 233212 | Engineers Australia | |
26 | quantity surveyor | 233213 | AIQS | |
27 | structural engineer | 233214 | Engineers Australia | |
28 | transport engineer | 233215 | Engineers Australia | |
29 | electrical engineer | 233311 | Engineers Australia | |
30 | electronics engineer | 233411 | Engineers Australia | |
31 | industrial engineer | 233511 | Engineers Australia | |
32 | mechanical engineer | 233512 | Engineers Australia | |
33 | production or plant engineer | 233513 | Engineers Australia | |
34 | aeronautical engineer | 233911 | Engineers Australia | |
35 | agricultural engineer | 233912 | Engineers Australia | |
36 | biomedical engineer | 233913 | Engineers Australia | |
37 | engineering technologist | 233914 | Engineers Australia | |
38 | environmental engineer | 233915 | Engineers Australia | |
39 | naval architect | 233916 | Engineers Australia | |
40 | agricultural consultant | 234111 | VETASSESS | |
41 | agricultural scientist | 234112 | VETASSESS | |
42 | forester | 234113 | VETASSESS | |
43 | medical laboratory scientist | 234611 | AIMS | |
44 | veterinarian | 234711 | AVBC | |
45 | physicist (medical physicist only) | 234914 | ACPSEM | |
46 | early childhood (pre‑primary school) teacher | 241111 | AITSL | |
47 | secondary school teacher | 241411 | AITSL | |
48 | special needs teacher | 241511 | AITSL | |
49 | teacher of the hearing impaired | 241512 | AITSL | |
50 | teacher of the sight impaired | 241513 | AITSL | |
51 | special education teachers (nec) | 241599 | AITSL | |
52 | medical diagnostic radiographer | 251211 | ASMIRT | |
53 | medical radiation therapist | 251212 | ASMIRT | |
54 | nuclear medicine technologist | 251213 | ANZSNM | |
55 | sonographer | 251214 | ASMIRT | |
56 | optometrist | 251411 | OCANZ | |
57 | orthotist or prosthetist | 251912 | AOPA | |
58 | chiropractor | 252111 | CCEA | |
59 | osteopath | 252112 | AOAC | |
60 | occupational therapist | 252411 | OTC | |
61 | physiotherapist | 252511 | APC | |
62 | podiatrist | 252611 | (a) APodA; or (b) ANZPAC | |
63 | audiologist | 252711 | VETASSESS | |
64 | speech pathologist | 252712 | SPA | |
65 | general practitioner | 253111 | MedBA | |
66 | specialist physician (general medicine) | 253311 | MedBA | |
67 | cardiologist | 253312 | MedBA | |
68 | clinical haematologist | 253313 | MedBA | |
69 | medical oncologist | 253314 | MedBA | |
70 | endocrinologist | 253315 | MedBA | |
71 | gastroenterologist | 253316 | MedBA | |
72 | intensive care specialist | 253317 | MedBA | |
73 | neurologist | 253318 | MedBA | |
74 | paediatrician | 253321 | MedBA | |
75 | renal medicine specialist | 253322 | MedBA | |
76 | rheumatologist | 253323 | MedBA | |
77 | thoracic medicine specialist | 253324 | MedBA | |
78 | specialist physicians (nec) | 253399 | MedBA | |
79 | psychiatrist | 253411 | MedBA | |
80 | surgeon (general) | 253511 | MedBA | |
81 | cardiothoracic surgeon | 253512 | MedBA | |
82 | neurosurgeon | 253513 | MedBA | |
83 | orthopaedic surgeon | 253514 | MedBA | |
84 | otorhinolaryngologist | 253515 | MedBA | |
85 | paediatric surgeon | 253516 | MedBA | |
86 | plastic and reconstructive surgeon | 253517 | MedBA | |
87 | urologist | 253518 | MedBA | |
88 | vascular surgeon | 253521 | MedBA | |
89 | dermatologist | 253911 | MedBA | |
90 | emergency medicine specialist | 253912 | MedBA | |
91 | obstetrician and gynaecologist | 253913 | MedBA | |
92 | ophthalmologist | 253914 | MedBA | |
93 | pathologist | 253915 | MedBA | |
94 | diagnostic and interventional radiologist | 253917 | MedBA | |
95 | radiation oncologist | 253918 | MedBA | |
96 | medical practitioners (nec) | 253999 | MedBA | |
97 | midwife | 254111 | ANMAC | |
98 | nurse practitioner | 254411 | ANMAC | |
99 | registered nurse (aged care) | 254412 | ANMAC | |
100 | registered nurse (child and family health) | 254413 | ANMAC | |
101 | registered nurse (community health) | 254414 | ANMAC | |
102 | registered nurse (critical care and emergency) | 254415 | ANMAC | |
103 | registered nurse (developmental disability) | 254416 | ANMAC | |
104 | registered nurse (disability and rehabilitation) | 254417 | ANMAC | |
105 | registered nurse (medical) | 254418 | ANMAC | |
106 | registered nurse (medical practice) | 254421 | ANMAC | |
107 | registered nurse (mental health) | 254422 | ANMAC | |
108 | registered nurse (perioperative) | 254423 | ANMAC | |
109 | registered nurse (surgical) | 254424 | ANMAC | |
110 | registered nurse (paediatrics) | 254425 | ANMAC | |
111 | registered nurses (nec) | 254499 | ANMAC | |
112 | ICT business analyst | 261111 | ACS | |
113 | systems analyst | 261112 | ACS | |
114 | analyst programmer | 261311 | ACS | |
115 | developer programmer | 261312 | ACS | |
116 | software engineer | 261313 | ACS | |
117 | ICT security specialist | 262112 | ACS | |
118 | computer network and systems engineer | 263111 | ACS | |
119 | telecommunications engineer | 263311 | Engineers Australia | |
120 | telecommunications network engineer | 263312 | Engineers Australia | |
121 | barrister | 271111 | a legal admissions authority of a State or Territory | |
122 | solicitor | 271311 | a legal admissions authority of a State or Territory | |
123 | clinical psychologist | 272311 | APS | |
124 | educational psychologist | 272312 | APS | |
125 | organisational psychologist | 272313 | APS | |
126 | psychologists (nec) | 272399 | APS | |
127 | social worker | 272511 | AASW | |
128 | civil engineering draftsperson | 312211 | (a) Engineers Australia; or (b) VETASSESS | |
129 | civil engineering technician | 312212 | VETASSESS | |
130 | electrical engineering draftsperson | 312311 | Engineers Australia | |
131 | electrical engineering technician | 312312 | TRA | |
132 | radio communications technician | 313211 | TRA | |
133 | telecommunications field engineer | 313212 | Engineers Australia | |
134 | telecommunications network planner | 313213 | Engineers Australia | Y |
135 | telecommunications technical officer or technologist | 313214 | Engineers Australia | |
136 | automotive electrician | 321111 | TRA | |
137 | motor mechanic (general) | 321211 | TRA | |
138 | diesel motor mechanic | 321212 | TRA | |
139 | motorcycle mechanic | 321213 | TRA | |
140 | small engine mechanic | 321214 | TRA | |
141 | sheetmetal trades worker | 322211 | TRA | |
142 | metal fabricator | 322311 | TRA | |
143 | pressure welder | 322312 | TRA | Y |
144 | welder (first class) | 322313 | TRA | |
145 | fitter (general) | 323211 | TRA | |
146 | fitter and turner | 323212 | TRA | |
147 | fitter‑welder | 323213 | TRA | |
148 | metal machinist (first class) | 323214 | TRA | |
149 | locksmith | 323313 | TRA | |
150 | panel beater | 324111 | TRA | |
151 | bricklayer | 331111 | TRA | |
152 | stonemason | 331112 | TRA | |
153 | carpenter and joiner | 331211 | TRA | |
154 | carpenter | 331212 | TRA | |
155 | joiner | 331213 | TRA | |
156 | painting trades worker | 332211 | TRA | |
157 | glazier | 333111 | TRA | |
158 | fibrous plasterer | 333211 | TRA | |
159 | solid plasterer | 333212 | TRA | |
160 | wall and floor tiler | 333411 | TRA | |
161 | plumber (general) | 334111 | TRA | |
162 | airconditioning and mechanical services plumber | 334112 | TRA | |
163 | drainer | 334113 | TRA | |
164 | gasfitter | 334114 | TRA | |
165 | roof plumber | 334115 | TRA | |
166 | electrician (general) | 341111 | TRA | |
167 | electrician (special class) | 341112 | TRA | |
168 | lift mechanic | 341113 | TRA | |
169 | air conditioning and refrigeration mechanic | 342111 | TRA | |
170 | electrical linesworker | 342211 | TRA | Y |
171 | technical cable jointer | 342212 | TRA | |
172 | electronic equipment trades worker | 342313 | TRA | |
173 | electronic instrument trades worker (general) | 342314 | TRA | |
174 | electronic instrument trades worker (special class) | 342315 | TRA | |
175 | chef | 351311 | TRA | |
176 | cabinetmaker | 394111 | TRA | |
177 | boat builder and repairer | 399111 | TRA | |
178 | shipwright | 399112 | TRA |
Short‑term Skilled Occupation List
Item | Column 1
Occupation |
Column 2
ANZSCO code |
Column 3
Assessing authority |
Column 4
Specified for only certain classes (see subsection (2)) |
1 | aquaculture farmer | 121111 | VETASSESS | Y |
2 | cotton grower | 121211 | VETASSESS | Y |
3 | flower grower | 121212 | VETASSESS | Y |
4 | fruit or nut grower | 121213 | VETASSESS | Y |
5 | grain, oilseed or pasture grower (Aus) / field crop grower (NZ) | 121214 | VETASSESS | Y |
6 | grape grower | 121215 | VETASSESS | Y |
7 | mixed crop farmer | 121216 | VETASSESS | Y |
8 | sugar cane grower | 121217 | VETASSESS | Y |
9 | vegetable grower (Aus) / market gardener (NZ) | 121221 | VETASSESS | Y |
10 | crop farmers (nec) | 121299 | VETASSESS | Y |
11 | apiarist | 121311 | VETASSESS | Y |
12 | beef cattle farmer | 121312 | VETASSESS | Y |
13 | dairy cattle farmer | 121313 | VETASSESS | Y |
14 | horse breeder | 121316 | VETASSESS | Y |
15 | mixed livestock farmer | 121317 | VETASSESS | Y |
16 | pig farmer | 121318 | VETASSESS | Y |
17 | poultry farmer | 121321 | VETASSESS | Y |
18 | sheep farmer | 121322 | VETASSESS | Y |
19 | livestock farmers (nec) | 121399 | VETASSESS | Y |
20 | mixed crop and livestock farmer | 121411 | VETASSESS | Y |
21 | sales and marketing manager | 131112 | AIM | |
22 | advertising manager | 131113 | AIM | |
23 | corporate services manager | 132111 | VETASSESS | |
24 | finance manager | 132211 | (a) CPAA; or
(b) IPA; or (c) CAANZ |
25 | human resource manager | 132311 | AIM | |
26 | research and development manager | 132511 | VETASSESS | |
27 | manufacturer | 133411 | VETASSESS | |
28 | production manager (forestry) | 133511 | VETASSESS | Y |
29 | production manager (manufacturing) | 133512 | VETASSESS | |
30 | production manager (mining) | 133513 | VETASSESS | |
31 | supply and distribution manager | 133611 | AIM | |
32 | health and welfare services managers (nec) | 134299 | VETASSESS | |
33 | school principal | 134311 | VETASSESS | |
34 | education managers (nec) | 134499 | VETASSESS | |
35 | ICT project manager | 135112 | ACS | |
36 | ICT managers (nec) | 135199 | ACS | |
37 | arts administrator or manager | 139911 | VETASSESS | |
38 | laboratory manager | 139913 | VETASSESS | |
39 | quality assurance manager | 139914 | VETASSESS | |
40 | specialist managers (nec) except:
(a) ambassador; or (b) archbishop; or (c) bishop |
139999 | VETASSESS | |
41 | cafe or restaurant manager | 141111 | VETASSESS | |
42 | hotel or motel manager | 141311 | VETASSESS | |
43 | accommodation and hospitality managers (nec) | 141999 | VETASSESS | |
44 | hair or beauty salon manager | 142114 | VETASSESS | |
45 | post office manager | 142115 | VETASSESS | |
46 | fitness centre manager | 149112 | VETASSESS | |
47 | sports centre manager | 149113 | VETASSESS | |
48 | customer service manager | 149212 | VETASSESS | |
49 | conference and event organiser | 149311 | VETASSESS | |
50 | transport company manager | 149413 | VETASSESS | |
51 | facilities manager | 149913 | VETASSESS | |
52 | dancer or choreographer | 211112 | VETASSESS | |
53 | music director | 211212 | VETASSESS | |
54 | music professionals (nec) | 211299 | VETASSESS | |
55 | photographer | 211311 | VETASSESS | |
56 | visual arts and crafts professionals (nec) | 211499 | VETASSESS | |
57 | artistic director | 212111 | VETASSESS | |
58 | book or script editor | 212212 | VETASSESS | |
59 | director (film, television, radio or stage) | 212312 | VETASSESS | |
60 | film and video editor | 212314 | VETASSESS | |
61 | program director (television or radio) | 212315 | VETASSESS | |
62 | stage manager | 212316 | VETASSESS | |
63 | technical director | 212317 | VETASSESS | |
64 | video producer | 212318 | VETASSESS | |
65 | copywriter | 212411 | VETASSESS | |
66 | newspaper or periodical editor | 212412 | VETASSESS | |
67 | print journalist | 212413 | VETASSESS | |
68 | technical writer | 212415 | VETASSESS | |
69 | television journalist | 212416 | VETASSESS | |
70 | journalists and other writers (nec) | 212499 | VETASSESS | |
71 | company secretary | 221211 | VETASSESS | |
72 | commodities trader | 222111 | VETASSESS | |
73 | finance broker | 222112 | VETASSESS | |
74 | insurance broker | 222113 | VETASSESS | |
75 | financial brokers (nec) | 222199 | VETASSESS | |
76 | financial market dealer | 222211 | VETASSESS | |
77 | stockbroking dealer | 222213 | VETASSESS | |
78 | financial dealers (nec) | 222299 | VETASSESS | |
79 | financial investment adviser | 222311 | VETASSESS | |
80 | financial investment manager | 222312 | VETASSESS | |
81 | recruitment consultant | 223112 | VETASSESS | |
82 | ICT trainer | 223211 | ACS | |
83 | mathematician | 224112 | VETASSESS | |
84 | gallery or museum curator | 224212 | VETASSESS | |
85 | health information manager | 224213 | VETASSESS | |
86 | records manager | 224214 | VETASSESS | |
87 | librarian | 224611 | VETASSESS | |
88 | management consultant | 224711 | VETASSESS | |
89 | organisation and methods analyst | 224712 | VETASSESS | |
90 | patents examiner | 224914 | VETASSESS | |
91 | information and organisation professionals (nec) | 224999 | VETASSESS | |
92 | advertising specialist | 225111 | VETASSESS | |
93 | marketing specialist | 225113 | VETASSESS | |
94 | ICT account manager | 225211 | VETASSESS | |
95 | ICT business development manager | 225212 | VETASSESS | |
96 | ICT sales representative | 225213 | VETASSESS | |
97 | public relations professional | 225311 | VETASSESS | |
98 | technical sales representatives (nec) including education sales representatives | 225499 | VETASSESS | |
99 | aeroplane pilot | 231111 | CASA | |
100 | flying instructor | 231113 | VETASSESS | |
101 | helicopter pilot | 231114 | CASA | |
102 | fashion designer | 232311 | VETASSESS | |
103 | industrial designer | 232312 | VETASSESS | |
104 | jewellery designer | 232313 | VETASSESS | |
105 | graphic designer | 232411 | VETASSESS | |
106 | illustrator | 232412 | VETASSESS | |
107 | web designer | 232414 | VETASSESS | |
108 | interior designer | 232511 | VETASSESS | |
109 | urban and regional planner | 232611 | VETASSESS | |
110 | wine maker | 234213 | VETASSESS | Y |
111 | geologist | 234411 | VETASSESS | |
112 | primary school teacher | 241213 | AITSL | |
113 | middle school teacher (Aus) / intermediate school teacher (NZ) | 241311 | AITSL | |
114 | education adviser | 249111 | VETASSESS | |
115 | art teacher (private tuition) | 249211 | VETASSESS | |
116 | dance teacher (private tuition) | 249212 | VETASSESS | |
117 | music teacher (private tuition) | 249214 | VETASSESS | |
118 | private tutors and teachers (nec) | 249299 | VETASSESS | |
119 | teacher of English to speakers of other languages | 249311 | VETASSESS | |
120 | dietitian | 251111 | DAA | |
121 | nutritionist | 251112 | VETASSESS | |
122 | occupational health and safety adviser | 251312 | VETASSESS | |
123 | orthoptist | 251412 | VETASSESS | |
124 | hospital pharmacist | 251511 | APharmC | |
125 | industrial pharmacist | 251512 | VETASSESS | |
126 | retail pharmacist | 251513 | APharmC | |
127 | health promotion officer | 251911 | VETASSESS | |
128 | health diagnostic and promotion professionals (nec) | 251999 | VETASSESS | |
129 | acupuncturist | 252211 | Chinese Medicine Board of Australia | |
130 | naturopath | 252213 | VETASSESS | |
131 | traditional Chinese medicine practitioner | 252214 | Chinese Medicine Board of Australia | |
132 | complementary health therapists (nec) | 252299 | VETASSESS | |
133 | dental specialist | 252311 | ADC | |
134 | dentist | 252312 | ADC | |
135 | resident medical officer | 253112 | MedBA | |
136 | anaesthetist | 253211 | MedBA | |
137 | nurse educator | 254211 | ANMAC | |
138 | nurse researcher | 254212 | ANMAC | |
139 | nurse manager | 254311 | ANMAC | |
140 | web developer | 261212 | ACS | |
141 | software tester | 261314 | ACS | |
142 | database administrator | 262111 | ACS | |
143 | systems administrator | 262113 | ACS | |
144 | network administrator | 263112 | ACS | |
145 | network analyst | 263113 | ACS | |
146 | ICT quality assurance engineer | 263211 | ACS | |
147 | ICT support engineer | 263212 | ACS | |
148 | ICT systems test engineer | 263213 | ACS | |
149 | ICT support and test engineers (nec) | 263299 | ACS | |
150 | judicial and other legal professionals (nec) | 271299 | VETASSESS | |
151 | careers counsellor | 272111 | VETASSESS | |
152 | drug and alcohol counsellor | 272112 | VETASSESS | |
153 | family and marriage counsellor | 272113 | VETASSESS | |
154 | rehabilitation counsellor | 272114 | VETASSESS | |
155 | student counsellor | 272115 | VETASSESS | |
156 | counsellors (nec) | 272199 | VETASSESS | |
157 | interpreter | 272412 | NAATI | |
158 | social professionals (nec) | 272499 | VETASSESS | |
159 | recreation officer | 272612 | VETASSESS | |
160 | welfare worker | 272613 | ACWA | |
161 | agricultural technician | 311111 | VETASSESS | Y |
162 | anaesthetic technician | 311211 | VETASSESS | |
163 | cardiac technician | 311212 | VETASSESS | |
164 | medical laboratory technician | 311213 | AIMS | |
165 | pharmacy technician | 311215 | VETASSESS | |
166 | medical technicians (nec) | 311299 | VETASSESS | |
167 | meat inspector | 311312 | VETASSESS | |
168 | primary products inspectors (nec) | 311399 | VETASSESS | Y |
169 | chemistry technician | 311411 | VETASSESS | |
170 | earth science technician | 311412 | VETASSESS | |
171 | life science technician | 311413 | VETASSESS | |
172 | science technicians (nec) | 311499 | VETASSESS | |
173 | architectural draftsperson | 312111 | VETASSESS | |
174 | building associate | 312112 | VETASSESS | |
175 | building inspector | 312113 | VETASSESS | |
176 | architectural, building and surveying technicians (nec) | 312199 | VETASSESS | |
177 | mechanical engineering technician | 312512 | TRA | |
178 | metallurgical or materials technician | 312912 | VETASSESS | |
179 | mine deputy | 312913 | VETASSESS | |
180 | hardware technician | 313111 | TRA | |
181 | ICT customer support officer | 313112 | TRA | |
182 | web administrator | 313113 | ACS | |
183 | ICT support technicians (nec) | 313199 | TRA | |
184 | farrier | 322113 | TRA | |
185 | aircraft maintenance engineer (avionics) | 323111 | TRA | |
186 | aircraft maintenance engineer (mechanical) | 323112 | TRA | |
187 | aircraft maintenance engineer (structures) | 323113 | TRA | |
188 | textile, clothing and footwear mechanic | 323215 | TRA | |
189 | metal fitters and machinists (nec) | 323299 | TRA | |
190 | precision instrument maker and repairer | 323314 | TRA | |
191 | watch and clock maker and repairer | 323316 | TRA | |
192 | toolmaker | 323412 | TRA | |
193 | vehicle body builder | 324211 | TRA | |
194 | vehicle trimmer | 324212 | TRA | |
195 | roof tiler | 333311 | TRA | |
196 | business machine mechanic | 342311 | TRA | |
197 | cabler (data and telecommunications) | 342411 | TRA | |
198 | telecommunications linesworker | 342413 | TRA | |
199 | baker | 351111 | TRA | |
200 | pastrycook | 351112 | TRA | |
201 | butcher or smallgoods maker | 351211 | TRA | |
202 | cook | 351411 | TRA | |
203 | dog handler or trainer | 361111 | VETASSESS | |
204 | animal attendants and trainers (nec) | 361199 | VETASSESS | |
205 | veterinary nurse | 361311 | VETASSESS | |
206 | florist | 362111 | TRA | |
207 | gardener (general) | 362211 | TRA | |
208 | arborist | 362212 | TRA | |
209 | landscape gardener | 362213 | TRA | |
210 | greenkeeper | 362311 | TRA | |
211 | hairdresser | 391111 | TRA | |
212 | print finisher | 392111 | TRA | |
213 | printing machinist | 392311 | TRA | |
214 | dressmaker or tailor | 393213 | TRA | |
215 | upholsterer | 393311 | TRA | |
216 | furniture finisher | 394211 | TRA | |
217 | wood machinist | 394213 | TRA | |
218 | wood machinists and other wood trades workers (nec) | 394299 | TRA | |
219 | chemical plant operator | 399211 | TRA | |
220 | power generation plant operator | 399213 | TRA | |
221 | library technician | 399312 | VETASSESS | |
222 | jeweller | 399411 | TRA | |
223 | camera operator (film, television or video) | 399512 | TRA | |
224 | make up artist | 399514 | TRA | |
225 | sound technician | 399516 | TRA | |
226 | performing arts technicians (nec) | 399599 | VETASSESS | |
227 | signwriter | 399611 | TRA | |
228 | ambulance officer | 411111 | VETASSESS | |
229 | intensive care ambulance paramedic | 411112 | VETASSESS | |
230 | dental technician | 411213 | TRA | |
231 | diversional therapist | 411311 | VETASSESS | |
232 | enrolled nurse | 411411 | ANMAC | |
233 | massage therapist | 411611 | VETASSESS | |
234 | community worker | 411711 | ACWA | |
235 | disabilities services officer | 411712 | VETASSESS | |
236 | family support worker | 411713 | VETASSESS | |
237 | residential care officer | 411715 | VETASSESS | |
238 | youth worker | 411716 | ACWA | |
239 | diving instructor (open water) | 452311 | VETASSESS | |
240 | gymnastics coach or instructor | 452312 | VETASSESS | |
241 | horse riding coach or instructor | 452313 | VETASSESS | |
242 | snowsport instructor | 452314 | VETASSESS | |
243 | swimming coach or instructor | 452315 | VETASSESS | |
244 | tennis coach | 452316 | VETASSESS | |
245 | other sports coach or instructor | 452317 | VETASSESS | |
246 | sports development officer | 452321 | VETASSESS | |
247 | footballer | 452411 | VETASSESS | |
248 | sportspersons (nec) | 452499 | VETASSESS | |
249 | contract administrator | 511111 | VETASSESS | |
250 | program or project administrator | 511112 | VETASSESS | |
251 | insurance loss adjuster | 599612 | VETASSESS | |
252 | insurance agent | 611211 | VETASSESS | |
253 | retail buyer | 639211 | VETASSESS |
É importante ressaltar que ter a sua profissão ou ocupação em uma das listas acima não é garantia de conseguir o visto. Existem outras exigências, tais como conseguir reconhecer o seu diploma aqui, atingir uma pontuação determinada na prova de Inglês (geralmente o IELTS), possuir e comprovar X anos de experiência na profissão, além de passar nos exames de saúde. O processo é bem burocrático e não é rápido. Mas te dá o direito de morar na Austrália por tempo indeterminado, trabalhar legalmente, ter acesso ao seguro de saúde gratuito do governo, ter acesso à escola pública (a partir dos 5 anos de idade da criança, antes disso é só childcare particular), entre outros benefícios. Em resumo, te dá o direito de chamar a Austrália de “casa”, como diz a letra da linda canção I Still Call Australia Home.